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Macro OVERLOAD!!!!

Started by Zerila, November 08, 2007, 09:18:10 PM

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Holy cow, I found out what they were talking about with the 4000 macro thing... They weren't kidding!
Check this out:


Someone who translated it said the icons were Select, Rename, Copy, Paste and Delete

So, yeah... 20 times the number of macros!  :o
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XD Yeah, I'd read about that. Apparently you can rename the books as well.

Also, this has led to speculation that we have a "book" per job...

the 18 jobs we have now, plus Scholar and Dancer.

So, people are saying there won't be another job added.

Totally unconfirmed though, but it sounds plausible. I kinda hope it's wrong.


Suffice to say, my macro room problems may finally be over...

I can do crazy stuff like have a book of Summoner macros where each set is
a different avatar, and just Ctrl+Shift+# between them as needed....


I'm kinda hoping there won't be any new jobs, at least for a couple of expansions! Enough is enough, already, I'll never solo them all to 75 at this rate! ^^;

It looks like you can copy books into other books, sort of like how you can copy macros from one set to another... this will be handy, since I don't have to actually re-create all my macros :)  I can just make several copies of my current one, edit out whatever I don't want for that palette, then expand each pallete to cover everything I need for that job :)

Oh, and one of those palletes will have to be dedicated to fun and silly things ;D
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You silly people and your macros... I can't imagine ever filling out 20 sets of 20 macros no matter how hard I tried.
"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


What I worry about more is that I'll be on the wrong macro set by accident... I'll end up trying to charm something instead of casting Dia, or I'll cast Stoneskin instead of Refresh... those things have happened to me from time to time ^^;

I really, really don't think I'll get anywhere near full on these macro sets... but being able to assign different macro sets for different jobs will really help a lot :)
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I can't imagine filling up 4000 macros...

Though, I'm full on the ones I have now. XD

But, most of my melee jobs don't use more than two macro lines. Most of my macro slots are taken up with WHM macros XD.

I wonder how easy it will be to swap between books.


Yeah, mage jobs get crazy for macros... I use the first 5 lines for Red Mage (CTRL and ALT 1-5) though, all my CTRL macros are the same (that's for my cure bar... I don't want to have to search around for my Cure IV macro when someone is dying :) )

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And knowing Zerila, he'll have one bar on nearly every single one of his jobs for /BST macros...


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Wow, that's quite the number of macros at one's disposal, very cool ^^ I wouldn't have minded having more slots =p What would've been nice is Ctrl-`, Alt-`, Ctrl--, Alt--, Ctrl-=, and Alt-=, since I remember my problem being a lack of slots in a single set.
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It would be nice if they gave us 10 or more slots in each macro... That alone would cut down on a lot of my macros, for gear swaps. Only one Convert or Charm macro? Yes, please :)

Plus, then I could add some funny emote or something to every macro. Which would make everyone around me wish for open PvP. Or, at least, PvZeri :D
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Yeah I know I had to change my battle gear for BST into two different macros to fit in all my gear swaps..  one for the armors and one for the weapon/shield.  I swapped headgear, body, hands, legs, feet, weapon, and shield, for a total of seven swaps, so I split it into 5-2.  Ten line macros would be useful.


Y'know, one of the reasons I used less CHR gear than your average BST is because of macro difficulties; I decided that having compact macros would help me more than the few extra points of CHR (really, it didn't seem to matter that much with an Apollo's in the mix, I tried it briefly).
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I was just the opposite. I had all my major +CHR gear on my main charm macro, and my Light staff plus my minor +CHR (Melody Earrings, etc) gear on my "extra" charm macro. The thought was, I don't want to lose TP if I don't have to, and I can usually survive one mischarm. If I mischarm once, I'll swap in everything for the added boost :)

But on /BST I didn't bother. You need everything you can get, +CHR wise. And RDM/BST has some great +CHR gear :)
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Most of the time I didn't bother with CHR gear at all on BST, with full AF and Apollo's it just didn't make a significant difference.  On RDM/BST, BRD/BST, WHM/BST, or BLU/BST, I usually pack my Star Necklace and Jester's Cape, but I just left them on anyways...


I always switched in my Apollo's; I suppose I didn't worry as much about TP and just looked for safety on the Charm (perhaps it's because Tarus are more fragile than other races, or maybe it's just a style preference).
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