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The Grand List of Console RPG Clichés

Started by Kyuuketsuki, May 12, 2007, 09:07:15 PM

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haha that's pretty funny. Too bad there haven't been any good RPG's to come out lately. Hopefully Blue Dragon will be good.
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."


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The hilarious thing is just how often those are true...

One they didn't put in that I've seen before:

The item you need will always be in the most remote and annoying place, requiring you to go as far up or down as possible.


Personally, I always kinda hated it when the world-killing meteor/monster/mad god/whatever was about to obliterate everything, every NPC knew it, and yet... they still insist on charging full price for everything!

Players: And I'll take... 99 Ethers, 99 Hi Potions, 99 X-potions, 99 Phoenix Downs, 99 remedies...

Shopkeeper (bagging them all up): Anything else?

Players: Yeah, that sword of ultimate slaying, the armor of invulnerability, and the phase plasma rifle in a 40 watt range.

Shopkeeper: Thank you, I just might close early today! That will be 10 billion gil.

Players: Um... we're a little shy. Could you give us credit? We're trying to save the world

Shopkeeper: Woah, woah, hold on. I'm not running a charity here! You gotta pay for these goods!

Players: Look outside. Do you see that huge planet hanging in the sky? The one that's about to hit our planet and kill everything? Yeah? Well, we're trying to stop it from happening. We can do it, but we need this gear.

Shopkeeper: Hey, I gotta make a living.

Players: But the world is ending!

Shopkeeper: No gil, no gear.

Players: Fine! What can I get for... 10,000 gil?

Shopkeeper: Half a stack of regular potions and this here armor of Nübish.

Players: Awfully thin armor

Shopkeeper: It's made of the finest construction paper!

Players: We're going to fight a fire god.

Shopkeeper: Do you want it or not?

Players: Sigh... yeah, we'll take it.

20 minutes later, the players are on fire, the Giant Planet o' Doom incinerates all life on the planet, and the bad guy is laughing like crazy. Everyone meets up in the afterlife

Shopkeeper: Nice one, guys.
Join the Pixie Preservation Society today!
The only membership requirement is that you can't have killed any pixies :)


Wheaton's Law:  Don't be a dick!


Thanks :)

I get bored sometimes at work... heh ^^;
Join the Pixie Preservation Society today!
The only membership requirement is that you can't have killed any pixies :)