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CoP Static

Started by Selan, April 09, 2006, 09:44:50 PM

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Yeah pretty crazy and fun @_@. Thanks ryu for tanking and of course Avani owner you!
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."


w00!  congratulations guys!  sea is right over the horizon!

ps omg was avani always so mean? ;_;  i totally remembered her as a lot nicer /slice


Lots of fun on that Airship battle. Good job on everybody's part and thanks to Ryu for helping out. Sea will be ours very soon  ;D


Wait, Avani was on? I don't think I saw her! I haven't seen her in, like, ages!

Anyway... the plan for tonight (thursday) was to get through all the cutscenes and small battles, but not to do Tenzen, right? Because I can't stay up that late again ^^;
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I think we did plan on doing Tenzen if we had time, but if we don't I don't mind planning for another day if you can't go.


Since I can't play tonight, when would you guys like to do Tenzen? I have some time on Saturday, and Sunday evening is good as well.

Sorry about this, guys  :(
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hmm, i don't know zeri. Depends on Bakum since i think he said this weekend he can't play either. Anyways Tenzen is like 5 min long lol, so this kinda sux. But if you can't play tonight then I will have to talk to the static members. I will post on here gain to determine a date.
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."


Sorry about last night... I know the fight is quick and all (if we are successful on the first run, that is) but it would have been another half hour probably before we got to it. I was already falling asleep as it was  :-[

Anyway... instead of making our next CoP day *just* a Tenzen fight, maybe we could plan to do Tenzen, and then as much of the next missions as we can handle. Maybe we can get all the way up to the start of 8-2 that day. Though, honestly 8-2 itself looks like enough of a pain that we should schedule that for a different day, maybe even a weekend, to make sure we have enough time to get through it.

And, if we can't do that, let's do Tenzen and then a bunch of BCNM fights... >.>
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OK so how about this sat at 8:00 PST?
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."


That works for me if it works for everyone else.
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OK lets try to do this on Mon. Both bakum and i can be onat 9:00 PST. Anyways yeah
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."


Hey tenzen this mon at 9:00 PST. Be there!
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."


I'll be there! Though, I'll probably take a nap first, so I'm not too tired :)
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The only membership requirement is that you can't have killed any pixies :)


I like the idea of getting as much of 8-1 done as possible. it looks kinda long just based on thr traveling around sea. And considering none of us know our way around, it should be fun. See ya at 9:00. :D


I'm kinda psyched about getting this started earlier tonight. We should be able to cover some significant ground! 8-1 for sure, maybe 8-2. I'm a little concerned about 8-2, though. That one looks like a monster. Very, very ugly, and you have to finish it in one go. If we CAN get it done, I'd like to, but if it looks like we can't for whatever reason, we'd be better off not starting and wasting a bunch of time.

Anyway, the way things are going, maybe we can finish CoP by end of day Sunday!
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The only membership requirement is that you can't have killed any pixies :)


I'm really excited about getting CoP done as well, but it looks like we're gonna have to wait until next week due to conflicting schedules. I wish 8-2 wasn't such a biotch to get done. As soon as I know, i'll post my availability and hopefully we can figure something out ASAP.


Because we live in a pink and fluffy world, that's why.


Ok, I said I would post my availablity for next week so we can hopefully get CoP done  cause I wanna be done, and I know you all do to so here it is:

Note, all times are based on PST because that seems to be the standard here on Lucky. :D

Monday: 9pm-1am
Tuesday: 11am-7pm & 9pm-1am
Wednesday: 4pm-7pm & 9pm-1am
Thursday: 1pm-7pm & 9pm-1am
Friday: Actually not sure about daytime, but definatly 9pm-1am
Sat. & Sun: Rarely plan to play weekends because I usually see my g/f at these times.

Hopefully we can work something into those times and get 8-2 done because that seems to be the last LONG hurdle before we get those glorious rings we want.


PST times for me

Everyday but Wednesday:  2:30 pm-9:00(can go longer if we need to).
Saturday: 4:30 am-1:00pm; 3:30pm-9:00(moo).
Sunday: Same as saturday cept dynamis 3:00pm-8:00pm ish.

Life Deprivation {Yes, please}

Because we live in a pink and fluffy world, that's why.


Well, zerila can you post a time if you can make any of those dates?
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."