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Messages - Zerila

Announcements / Re: Secret Santa Signup Thread
December 01, 2008, 02:59:53 AM
I'm in!  ;D
Writings / Re: This Is How We Roll on the Siren Sands
November 27, 2008, 04:16:10 PM

wait, what?

??? :-\
General Posts / Re: Moblin Maze Mongers!!
November 25, 2008, 03:46:37 PM
Pic of what the maze tabula should look like:
News / Re: Secret Santa
November 24, 2008, 05:36:24 PM
It doesn't have to be anything too incredible. A stack of prism powders, for example, makes a nice present to anyone, and isn't too expensive. A stack of fireworks, food, whatever you can think of that costs around 20k will work :)

Or a piece of gear... though, with all the multiple-level-75's that we have running around, it's hard to think of a piece of gear that they don't already have that would be useful and only costs 20k. But there are some nice pieces out there that can be worn for the novelty.

Or, if you craft, try giving a crafted, signed item. Personally, I would love that! That would be a real gift to me, something unique and personal.

I voted for the weekend, since I think most people will be able to make that, but I am willing to change for whatever day works the best for the most people. As for where... I would love to do the Hostel, since I've never been in there! But I see a couple of possible problems: The time limit on reserving it, and the possibility that some folks might not have Whitegate access. For that reason, I'd say the chocobo stables would be better.
General Posts / Re: Moblin Maze Mongers!!
November 24, 2008, 05:09:43 PM
Here is some more info taken off of the FFXI blog (I don't think I have to mention how excited I am by this  ;D ):

■Delve into Business with the Moblin Maze Mongers!

・ââ,¬ÂMoblin Maze Mongersââ,¬Â is the official, final product of the work-in-progress introduced at last yearââ,¬â,,¢s Fan Festival under the provisional moniker, ââ,¬Å"Private Dungeon.ââ,¬Â

The sole premise behind the development of M.M.M. was a to fashion a system defined by the ability for anywhere from one to six players to engage in relatively laidback gameplay.
In keeping with several of the pre-existing themes of Vanaââ,¬â,,¢diel, we decided to implement the system as a series of labyrinths run by Moblins for adventurers to explore. Let the spelunking begin!

・First, the players themselves determine the rules for their maze. Once these rules are in place and the proper preparations made, itââ,¬â,,¢s down into the maze! Should players prove fortuitous enough to clear their maze, their efforts will not go unrewarded.
Designed to accommodate both inexperienced newcomers and seasoned veterans alike, maze options will cover a wide spectrum of possibilities, while at the same time maintaining an easy-to-grasp simplicity.

There are two main categories of items which are utilized in the new M.M.M. system.
The first of these are ââ,¬Å"Maze Tabulae.ââ,¬Â These are best thought of as a kind of game board. By placing various pieces, described below, on this board, players will determine the specific nature of their maze.

The second category of items is comprised of ââ,¬Å"Maze Vouchersââ,¬Â and ââ,¬Å"Maze Runes.ââ,¬Â These will be used by players to set the rules and arrange the interior of the maze.
The vouchers determine what type of adventuring the player will undertake. For example, it may be an all-out brawl against a large number of foes, or overcoming obstacles through skillful acts of synthesis, etc. The runes, then, will function to set up and populate the maze in accordance with the rules laid forth by the vouchers. This includes, but is not limited to, such details as the type of enemies that will be faced and their degree of difficulty, the location of objects throughout the maze, the imposition of further rules and regulations, and so on.

Maze Vouchers & Maze Runes)
(image) If the Maze Tabula represents the game board, then the Maze Vouchers and Maze Runes can fittingly be thought of as the game pieces. By arranging these on the tabula, players will determine the rules and layout of their mazes. When designing their mazes, players will have to take into account that certain pieces are specific to certain maze configurations. For exampleââ,¬Â¦ (image)

Procuring Items)
To start with, the Moblins will furnish players with a beginnerââ,¬â,,¢s set. At present, the idea is for players to obtain other tabulae, vouchers, and runes as rewards for their maze escapades, with even further items possibly becoming available in the future at public events such as Fan Festival or in-game seasonal events.

Thereââ,¬â,,¢s More!)
In addition to all of this, the M.M.M. system will also allow players to share their maze creations with one another. Although a restriction will be imposed limiting the number of uses, players will be able to obtain these ââ,¬Å"third-partyââ,¬Â tabulae from a mediator NPC. The rewards available will be directly affected by the rules and degree of difficulty in play, so be sure and try your hand at as many variations as possible!

Myriad Uses)
Just like fighting enemies virtually anywhere else in Vanaââ,¬â,,¢diel, combat within the maze depths will yield both experience points and skillups. There is also the possibility of increasing your crafting skills, should the theme of the maze be based on synthesis. Capable of accommodating players up to a crafting skill of 60, it may be just the right venue for you and a friend to practice your handiwork.

Rewards and Remuneration)
Clearing a maze will yield two types of rewards: treasure chests and M.M.M.-specific points. Within the chests, players can expect to find any of a variety of equipment and M.M.M.-related items. Also, amassing M.M.M. points will allow players to purchase other M.M.M. pieces. There are even designs to introduce gear which can only be obtained by braving the mazes!
Application / Re: Aayahime's application
November 21, 2008, 09:37:55 PM
I keep meaning to pick up Disgaea, but I don't have any idea when I'd have the time to play it  ::)

Anyway, you're in as far as I'm concerned. Anyone you see on these boards, send them a /tell, and we'll try to get a sackholder out to you :D
General Posts / Re: Moblin Maze Mongers!!
November 17, 2008, 05:44:16 PM
Re-reading it, it sounds like you get a key item or a rare/ex item that "calls up" your dungeon when you go in. So, it may be less like actually creating your own, and more like choosing from different prefabs, which makes more sense from a server space and bandwidth point of view.

I really wanted something I could totally design myself, but I can't see how they can do that without a MAJOR upgrade to their data storage.

By the way, if this is really, really expensive, I probably can't afford to do it... but I'm willing to partner with someone else ;)
General Posts / Re: Moblin Maze Mongers!!
November 14, 2008, 09:27:54 PM
Someone on Alla had the idea of stocking it with monsters captured on soul plates, which I thought was pretty neat :)

I'm guessing it will probably be more along the lines of "Choose monster family" and "Choose level range". Obviously, they won't let you choose the exact monsters to put in there, or will exclude NMs, otherwise there would be nothing but dungeons packed with Arguses, Valkurm Emperors and the like.

General Posts / Re: Moblin Maze Mongers!!
November 14, 2008, 07:19:54 PM
Just do me a favor... if you can pick the monsters that go in there, make sure there are some charmables :)
General Posts / Re: Dissidia!
November 14, 2008, 03:57:20 PM
That is easily one of my most anticipated games, with FFXIII being the only one I'm more anxious for :)
General Posts / Moblin Maze Mongers!!
November 14, 2008, 03:56:37 PM
Moblin Maze Mongers is coming!

This looks like the long-rumored, eagerly anticipated private dungeons that SE has been hinting at. I can see a LOT of my time going towards this :D
News / Re: Secret Santa?
November 13, 2008, 11:14:09 PM
Whatever day we pick, someone won't be able to show up. So, I think maybe we should pick a day, and anyone who can't make that can post here, and then exchange gifts at a different time.

For a limit... well, we have so many people who are poor, maybe something reasonable like 20k? I don't think that's too big of a stretch for most people. Maybe we can do a poll for both the date and the gil amount?
General Posts / Re: Are you voting tomorrow?
November 13, 2008, 02:56:02 AM
That seems so strange, until I remember that I've been playing for 5 years... happy first voting day, Eva!

On a side note, I'd like to point out that I am no longer intending to vote tomorrow.  ???
News / Re: Secret Santa?
November 13, 2008, 02:55:07 AM
I'm in!  ;D
General Posts / Re: Are you voting tomorrow?
November 09, 2008, 09:34:21 AM
Hey, if I hadn't cut way down on my posting, I'd have broken two thousand posts by now!  >:(

General Posts / Re: Are you voting tomorrow?
November 07, 2008, 07:55:32 PM
Post, Rachi! Post like the wind!
General Posts / Re: Are you voting tomorrow?
November 05, 2008, 10:37:57 PM
I'd give you mine, but I took it off and it lost its stickiness :(

i voted for my name to b yellow!

Your name is yellow! I just noticed that a couple days ago, that we all have different colored names now... That's cool, it's like a rainbow of awesomeness ;D
General Posts / Re: Are you voting tomorrow?
November 04, 2008, 03:16:32 PM
I'm sporting my lovely "I Voted!" sticker today at work :)
Help Desk / Re: Divine Might
November 04, 2008, 12:11:41 PM
I'd like to go, if possible. That's a fun fight :)
General Posts / Re: Are you voting tomorrow?
November 04, 2008, 12:11:01 PM
If your polling place is still open, then the race isn't over... Don't listen to the media, they like to predict winners and such, but the honest truth is they can be wrong. So, get out and vote anyway!