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Messages - Zerila

General Posts / Re: My account may have been hacked.
April 07, 2009, 05:32:13 PM
Huh... I can't think of what $34.99 would be. World Transfer is $30, so that can't be it. Activating all mules, maybe?

You know, I've heard of cases where an account gets recovered with MORE gear than it started with. Maybe you'll get your account back with 16 Kraken clubs or something crazy like that...
General Posts / Re: April 8th Update details
April 06, 2009, 10:02:29 PM
Apparently... each account and every character on it :)
General Posts / Re: April 8th Update details
April 06, 2009, 04:37:45 PM
So, interesting note on the security token (sales and registration start tomorrow!)... You can link up to ten accounts to a single token.

That's 10 accounts. Not ten characters. In other words, people who dual box can get one token and link it to both accounts.

I'm going to enjoy this!

General Posts / Re: My account may have been hacked.
April 02, 2009, 06:07:39 AM
Keisu  :'(
Salvage / Re: Bhaflau Remnants
March 31, 2009, 04:02:04 PM
I wanna be able to sticky posts too! As if posting a gazillion posts isn't enough for me...

Oh, and I need to remind myself to read up on this before we go do Salvage on Monday...
General Posts / Re: April 8th Update details
March 31, 2009, 03:34:47 PM
Security token details announced:

Cost will be $9.99 (includes shipping and handling)
Available starting April 7th, purchase from the Playonline Viewer
Requires signing up for a (free) Square Enix account

After doing this, there will be one more step to signing in to PoL: You will be requested to enter a unique password. Hit the button on the token, it will generate a temporary password. Enter that password, and you are in. Nobody can access your account without the temporary password unique to your token (doesn't mean you can't be hacked, but the hackers would have better odds trying to win the lottery)

By buying this item, you and all your characters on that account get:
Mog Satchel! An extra 80 inventory slots you can carry around with you, in addition to your gobbie bag!

Honestly, I would have bought the token at twice the price and no in-game item and considered it a good deal, but between the low cost and the Mog Satchel... My mind is totally blown! This will rock :)
General Posts / April 8th Update details
March 30, 2009, 02:55:17 PM
So far, this is ramping up to be one humdinger of an update.
This is what we have so far:

New Gobbie Bag quests (80 spaces in a Gobbie Bag? Super-Greedalox, go! :D)

Adjustments/expansions to Moblin Maze Mongers

Fields of Valor expanding to the following areas:
Cape Teriggan / Eastern Altepa Desert / The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah / Ro'Maeve / Yuhtunga Jungle / Yhoator Jungle / Western Altepa Desert / Valley of Sorrows / Ru'Aun Gardens

Additional FoV manuals to be located in existing FoV areas, as well as new manuals located in:
East Ronfaure / La Theine Plateau / Batallia Downs / South Gustaberg / Konschtat Highlands / Rolanberry Fields / East Sarutabaruta / Tahrongi Canyon / Sauromugue Champaign / Behemoth's Dominion

New Fields of Valor NMs! This sounds like a very interesting system, where you trade tabs and gil, items, or seals in order to pop a new NM, and you get rewarded based on what you trade (for gil, you get gil, for items, you get items, and for seals, you get experience points :) )

There will also be an option to augment old equipment (probably equipment that only has a defense rating right now) with new bonuses. Not a lot of detail on that yet, but I'm very excited for it!

New WotG quests and missions, of course. Possibly a new medal rank, which (hopefully) will allow us to buy WotG AN body pieces ;)

Job adjustments to White Mage:
White Mage will get stances that will allow them to "charge" spells, based on the amount they cure or the amount of damage they take.
Really too much information to get into here, but one neat thing is that single-target Cure spells, while under the Afflatus Solace effect, will grant the person receiving the cure a stoneskin effect

Job Adjustments to Red Mage:
New "Composure" Job Ability, increases casting time, but also increases accuracy. Also increases duration of enhancing spells the Red Mage casts, but only on themselves. This will effect casting time of all spells, including ninjutsu or songs, if going /NIN or (for some reason) /BRD.

Also... Tier II enspells! Oh, yeah! Also, these enspells will reduce a target's resistance to the opposing element: Like, using Enfire II will reduce the target's resistance to Water.

Job Adjustments to Summoner:
A whole bunch of small adjustments here, mostly to the range of blood pacts, and the AoE area of Ward pacts
Hastega will now overwrite slow in the same way as the Haste spell
Also, the following Blood Pact: Rage spells have increased damage: Meteor Strike / Geocrush / Wind Blade / Grand Fall / Heavenly Strike / Thunderstorm

All in all, a very exciting update so far. Also, the mini-expansion, a Crystalline Prophecy, goes live after this update.

I have a feeling this is going to be a huge update. Probably a lot of congestion as well. If you have any events scheduled that day, I'd cancel them, just to be safe.

More notes to follow as they release more info!
General Posts / Re: My account may have been hacked.
March 28, 2009, 12:15:46 AM
Keisu ; ;

According to FFXIAH.com, the latest activity on the AH is from the 24th, where you sold some gear (seirenshi habaki, desert boots) and you bought useshi and some meat chiefkabobs.

Hopefully, that means that if you were hacked, they caught it in time. If not, you can have them do a restore from a previous date (I believe)

I hope that helps!
General Posts / Re: Remember Me? Or not?
March 26, 2009, 10:13:44 PM
I don't have one of those! I'd have to get one, first :)
General Posts / Re: Remember Me? Or not?
March 25, 2009, 06:03:39 PM
Pfft... don't worry, if you have to come back as a newbie, I'll make sure you get a really nice set of leather armor for when you hit level 7!  ;D
General Posts / Re: Remember Me? Or not?
March 24, 2009, 09:09:42 PM
I don't know if I remember Hayle, but I think I do remember Kitaera :)

Sure, come on back. Warning, though... we're just as nutty as ever :P
General Posts / Re: A Crystalline Prophecy
March 23, 2009, 04:57:52 PM
Well, I pre-ordered CP today. And I saw some of the stats for the gear you can get, along with the addons. Looks like I'll be getting a new body piece for BST, with Pet Attack and Pet Accuracy bonuses :)

I'm still a little on the fence, though... Because I could also get a body piece for Dragoon that I can add Accuracy and Attack to, making it a kinda-sorta-Hauby. But then, I'm aiming to get an Askar Korazin...

Decisions, decisions  :P

Well, it will probably be months before I have to worry about what to pick, so I'll worry about it later :)
General Posts / Re: A Crystalline Prophecy
March 17, 2009, 05:53:00 PM
Oh, absolutely! No, I wasn't complaining, merely pointing out that I doubt you'll get to add 5% Haste to a Hauby or anything like that.

No there's lots of level ranges where the gear options are pretty "meh". And, if anything, this might help crafters! I mean, imagine all the folks who'll rush out and buy a Doublet just for the sake of putting some +STR on it for a low-level Monk! :)
General Posts / Re: A Crystalline Prophecy
March 17, 2009, 12:22:30 PM
It's not really an expansion, it's a mini-expansion.... basically, a bunch of quests/missions that get added, but no new areas, gameplay mechanics, or anything like that. But it looks like we get some neato gear rewards :)

And, speaking of customized equipment, hit the playonline site. Apparently, they're going to allow people to augment other equipment this way. The example they have on the site is a Gambison that has either +10 HP and +15 MP, or +3 STR and +5 VIT. You can't trade or sell them after you augment them, though. But, still... neat :)

I'm guessing it's only gear that doesn't currently have stats other than defense or attack, but still, it's neat :)

This update really has me excited!  ;D
General Posts / Re: A Crystalline Prophecy
March 16, 2009, 08:14:09 PM
The odds are pretty good that you can only get one of these, though... But I did wonder if, with three mini-expansions, if they're going to be giving these out for each, and you can just nab one for each one. That would be neat :)
This is going to be a hard decision... I'll need to think a lot about what to get, and what to add to it. But, if nothing else, it's neat looking :)
General Posts / A Crystalline Prophecy
March 16, 2009, 12:25:20 PM
The site is live now for A Crystalline Prophecy, the first of the new mini-expansions. Advanced orders start on the 23rd, so keep an eye out for that.

Here's one interesting little bit of information... It looks like there are three distinct armors that you can get (at least a body piece) and get this... when you get the armor, you get a list of traits you can add to it.

In other words... customizable armor!  :o

Areya will be happy about that one :)
Lucky LS People / Re: My kids are taking over! D:
February 23, 2009, 06:15:08 PM
Time to teach them the basics of farming, and how to sell stuff on the AH  ;)
General Posts / Re: Even More Ramblings: Chemist
February 04, 2009, 02:19:09 PM
Very interesting. I see a huge potential to create markets for crafters and farmers of all levels. If SE takes the time and care to balance the reagents properly, anyone could make money off of this.

Only those with a decent supply of gil would even get started on this job, though. It looks so much more expensive than Ninjutsu. Well, not really on a per-spell basis so much as the fact that this is all the Chemist does.

One thing that might be interesting is if Chemists had an "elemental weapon" Enhancing Formulae that could target other players... you know, give your Paladin a flaming sword for a short duration. Also, status effect spikes might be interesting... hit a Chemist, and get hit with an evasion down powder, or something :)
General Posts / Re: Zombies Ahead!
February 02, 2009, 04:29:39 PM
That reminds me, World War Z was a pretty good book :)

That's only you, Subie!