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Messages - Zerila

Help Desk / Re: Promyvion Help
June 18, 2009, 04:26:06 AM
If I'm on and I'm not already committed to doing assaults or something, I would be willing to help out from time to time.

The sewer fight is fun on BST :)
I liked most parts of X-2 and the Matrix sequels, but some of the parts were... kind of disappointing  :-\

Like, I loved the Dress Sphere system (though I would have preferred if they kept the original sphere grid) and seeing the after-FFX world of Spira was cool, but there were some story elements that bothered me... like, the skimpy costumes, especially on Yuna, which seemed so out of character for her.

Matrix Reloaded had, quite simply, THE best car chase sequence I've ever seen.

I used those as examples because the one sequel that bothers me the most (Black House, sequel to the Talisman) may be too obscure for most people... :P

Anyway... Ceodore, yay :)

And, Hi Kets!  ;D
General Posts / Final Fantasy IV - The After Years
June 17, 2009, 06:12:30 PM

I'm both excited and very nervous about this game! Final Fantasy 4 is still one of my favorites of all time, and I would love to see a sequel... but then I remember Final Fantasy X-2 and cringe a little.

We'll see how it goes. If it captures the spirit of the original, I know I will love it :)

This makes me wonder, though... SE isn't just doing new Final Fantasy series, they're also expanding old ones. This could get really crazy really fast. As exciting as it is to think of revisiting some of these worlds, part of the charm (for me) was that it was a completely encapsulated story. When you were done, you were done and that was it. If they keep adding sequels, I don't know how that will change the feel of other FF games.

And it is entirely possible to retroactively harm a really good original story with a horrible sequel (think: the Matrix!)
Did we ever get Bumbar his pearl? I will be on a little this weekend, I'll try to get him one if nobody else already has
Lucky LS People / Re: LOOOOOK What I did!!!!
June 12, 2009, 06:45:50 PM
I said it in-game, but I will say it again... Congratulations, Maj!  ;D
Hey, Eva!
To ad-lib Monty Python:

I'm Mithrrrrrrra! Why do you think I have this outrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrageous accent!

No objections here, we could always use more Galkas. I think we only have T&C these days
General Posts / Re: FFXIV
June 05, 2009, 05:24:35 PM
There's been a lot of talk about FFXIV killing XI, but I think a lot of that is overblown. There will be a definite drop in subscribers, sure, but I think a lot of people will stay on XI because of all they have accomplished, and all they still want to accomplish, and because they don't want to start all over from scratch again.

I'll never stop playing FFXI as long as there is at least one server around. I love playing Zerila, and I love playing on Phoenix with all of you.
But to be honest... XIV at first will kind of be like back in the Beta, with everyone running around trying to figure things out, how to do things, doing things that are kind of stupid but make sense at the time (MNK/WHM in the dunes, yo!). That was the most fun I've ever had playing a game!

I will at least play a couple of months on FFXIV (while still doing my mission nights in FFXI, provided my assault and salvage teams stay together), just to try it out and see what it is like. But I don't see myself ever stopping playing FFXI. I have too much committed to just drop everything for the new hotness of FFXIV, and XI is still incredibly fun for me. The worst case scenario I see is that I will drop my Noogies account and play both games at the same time. But I want to end up on the same server as everyone else in Lucky who tries XIV because... well, I love you guys  ;D

They've been saying all along that they will continue to support and release new content for XI as long as there is enough interest. I know a lot of people won't be dropping XI, especially not right away, so I'm willing to bet that FFXI still has at least another 5 years of life in it, maybe even more. If SE gives some kind of discount plan for players of both games (which I think would be a smart thing to do) then we'll have enough active subscribers to keep the game going long into the future.

If not, then I'll start my own private FFXI server as soon as the software becomes available and fully functional (*cough* Project FFXI *cough* *cough*) and you are all invited to play :D
I hope they remove or at least tone down some of the more outrrrrrageous accent-waccents from NPCs this time 'round :P

Announcements / Re: Assault Static News
May 30, 2009, 12:32:15 AM
Well, once we get done with Nyzul (HA!) we can do shorter farming runs instead, and have all sorts of extra time.  In addition to your suggestions, one thing I would like is to get everyone Rank 10 in every nation (if other people are interested). That will keep us busy, even though we can solo a lot of the earlier missions.

We can do stuff like runs to get Fenrir, we can do stuff like get some of us a swift belt ;D/, things like that. Basically, each of us should come up with a wish list of stuff we want, that the 6 of us can handle (we have a pretty flexible group, after all) and we can just start knocking them out. Maybe we can do some low-man Limbus and things like that...

In before Ariamo says "Salvage!"  ;)
Lucky LS People / Re: And so it begins
May 27, 2009, 11:37:52 PM
I didn't know that, I'm sorry for your loss.
Glad you are doing alright in college, though. Looking forward to seeing you again!
General Posts / Re: Face Changing
May 27, 2009, 12:35:17 PM
Who is that?!  :o

Someone stole Sheilah's name!!!  >:(
General Posts / Re: Face Chainging
May 26, 2009, 06:48:43 PM
A "makover feature" (for lack of a better term) would be cool, especially if it were temporary (I don't want to change anything permanently!  ;) )
Announcements / Re: Assault Static News
May 09, 2009, 03:25:18 PM
We haven't actually done any runs yet. We're trying to squeak them in during our regular assault stuff, and we're also doing missions.
So far, we just haven't had time...
Help Desk / Re: Carby Mitts
April 30, 2009, 05:22:57 PM
I might like a pair or these myself... I'd be glad to help :)
Application / Re: ZeroG's Application
April 28, 2009, 05:18:10 PM
I forgive you working for the IRS because of your Ginko avatar.  ;)
General Posts / Re: Warning to BSTs!
April 27, 2009, 05:44:29 PM
I remember a discussion a while back on the BST forums on Alla, saying that, if the Beastmen ever did overrun everything, the last holdout would be a bunch of Beastmasters in the Boyahda Tree.

Maybe we'd let some Dragoons in. They could Super Jump to get stuff off of the higher shelves for us :P
Application / Re: ZeroG's Application
April 27, 2009, 05:40:45 PM
No objections here :)
General Posts / Re: Post of EEEEEVIIIIL!!!!
April 26, 2009, 06:38:21 PM
I should do a poll to see who the bigger forum troll is, me or Ryudei  8)
Artists / Re: Friends
April 26, 2009, 06:37:34 PM
Nice work :)

I have a custom-made collage of FFXI images that I use sometimes for my work desktop. Mostly they're from FFXI comics that were made a long time ago, with some screenshots thrown in.

I had to stop using it at work because every time I looked at it I'd want to go play FFXI...